Jeff Utecht - Looking For Learning

The Middle School was lucky enough to a small PD session with Jeff Utecht regards Looking For Learning.

How does being connected with technology changed us?
Today we don't remember telephone numbers as we save them in our mobile, Facebook reminds us of birthdays, GPS tells us directions, we can look up an recipe online... etc

How has learning changed when we don't have to remember? How has the "just in time" learning or the opportunity to learn instantly anything you want to with YouTube etc changed us?

As educators, we need to reflect on how can we ensure that students are getting the benefit of being connected and actively learning. On the other hand, how are we encouraging and stating up to date with the available resources and information.

SAMR is an acronym to help analysing how technology is used in the classroom. Is it used just as a substitution, to modify and activity, to add value or do another task in a completely different way.It was interesting to hear about the 90-9-1 rule, showing that even though most people are connected we are using technology in a similar way.
 The diagram below explains the SAMR acronym:

Other interesting points:
  • With new technology, its important to give "play time", say 15minutes. That way, especially in a class environment, you will end up with a class full of information!
  • Teach students the skill to "search" - not just Google. Google in particular has many features that can be used to get great quality information - edit reading level, date published, aces to old news papers, search within domains etc This is something I would love to spend some more time on!


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