Math Practices

The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics has content standards and mathematical practices. As a department at our school we are looking more and more ways of incorporating the mathematical practices into what we do and how we asses.

The mathematic practices underpin mathematical thinking and what kind of learners we aim to have in our class. It can be the driver for some of the activities I plan.

Some resources to help other teachers bring the CCSS Math Practices more into your classroom could be:

  • Visual Aids - have then up and present in your room or notice board. I have have two kinds I use Poster 1 & Poster 2 (Thank you Got To Teach on TPT for the free download!)
  • End of an Activity - after doing posters or an investigation ask the students which ones did they feel they engaged with. Or give them sticky notes to places their vote (everyone gets a voice then!)
  • Rubrics - we have two rows that focus on Mathematical Practices and gives them feedback on their demonstrated practices on that particular assessment. 

We handed the Scholastic "A Guide to the 8 Mathematical Practice Standards" article out to parents on Back to School night to introduce (or reinforce) the language and vocabulary of what we will be using with our students.

The teacher channel video "Owning the Common Core Math Practices" has some good suggestions and modeling by Mrs Audra McPhillips for all grades.


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