Meditation in the classroom

I am currently in the process of getting my Accreditation to Teaching a Catholic School. For this I have to attend a set number of hours of PD. One of my most recent ones I elected was “Meditation in the Classroom”.

I was drawn to this one for a number of reasons
1. Who wouldn’t want to go to a PD on meditation?
2. I believe meditation has benefits on emotional and physical health and was interested what evidence, case studies that would be bought up
3. Personally interested in how mediation might help me be a better teacher outside of school.

The last point may sound a bit selfish, but if you want the best outcome for your students, then you wan the best teacher in front of them. If you don’t believe me ask Hatti….Ok I have taken some liberty and taken him out of context, but teacher influence is important in the classroom
This is a two part PD. This session focused on showing what meditation looked like in a classroom in a very clear and implicit scenarios – like in a RE class or primary setting. It explored the use of journaling, use of bells, finger labyrinths and mantras. For meditations they used the TIME (transition, intent, medication and engage) scaffold.

The ideas presented were good and informative. It left with another problem. I could see how I could incorporate this into my extended Pastoral time, but what about my other classes?
Coincidentally a colleague was trying a new idea in her classroom. She eagerly pulled me in to show. While her Year 8 class was working she had put on some “chill out” music on in he background. The class had a lovely calm about it. She said she wants to use this with all of her classes – creates a relaxing environment where she and her students are relaxed while also being on task and a low noise level.

If you cant fit in the "TIME" to do formal meditation, maybe give this adaptation a go - YouTube clips, like this one.
Search for Chillout Music


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