Meditation in the Clasroom (Part 2): Follow Up Session and Practical Examples

Completed my second and final day relating to Meditation in the Classroom. I documented briefly some ideas presented in the first session in my post here (or from the old blog here)

In this session the focus was on practical activities that could be used in the classroom building on the theory that was presented in the first session. I found this session very enjoyable as it was more hands on and very interesting.

The group was split in two main groups and then rotated around the activity stations.

1. Beaded meditation
The first station for me was on beaded meditation. Spoke about the process of creating and then using beads as part of the meditation process. At first it didn't sound like much, but was in fact quite a powerful and moving process.
Each was given a length of leather and then time to select beads. I thought of something important to me and then took the time to best select the bead the best represent that quality. The beads then can be used as part of other meditation sessions. Each and every person had a different and unique set of beads.

2. Walking the labyrinth
At the Amberley Centre they have a labyrinth in the grounds. We look at rock from the centre and followed the labyrinth into the centre where we paused in silence and left the rock.
3. Guest speakers from school
We then had 2 students and a Head of RE come to speak to us about what they

4. Silent meditation
A session on silent meditation

5. Photo Walk
Colour photos or print outs were placed around the room. Individuals took the time to look at the photos and then select one that best describes how they are feeling, how they have enjoyed the session etc.

6. Discussion in small groups
In groups of 3 or 4 we discussed our experiences and whats happening in other schools. The success protocol was used. This was followed by some journaling.


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