Orientation Day 2

Todays morning session focuses on the schools philosophy and approach to leaning, teaching and understanding.

The first activity was an icebreaker. The facilitator asked a great question at the end, "why do we do icebreakers?". We came up with reasons as it builds connections within the group, a level of trust, little bit of bonding. We were also told that research shows that getting to know each other before doing a task or exercise produces a better outcome or result. I missed the name of the researcher, but would be interested to read more about it.

We were then part of what I thought was a very effective jigsaw activity.  On our name tag had a colour and a number. The number correlated to one of the 7 Learning Principles at the school. My number was 7, which related to the principle "Learning is encased through opportunities to discuss, collaborate, debate and share their thinking" which we had to fill in a grid.
All the 7's (and other numbers) got together to share how they interpreted and the ideas they came up with. Next, we moved into our group colour (Red, Blue, Green, etc) where we created a group of 7 with someone representing each principle, which we then could share our combined knowledge. Felt it was a great dynamic and interactive way to delve into this type of information. It was also a good way to demonstrate the type of activities and philosophies of the school. 

Next was the Technology session which just reminded me of how much I still want to learn and explore - Google Docs, Evernote, Email functions, Portals etc!!!


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